
Microgrids can provide complete energy security by combining several energy sources to feed a building, campus or community. Utilizing clean energy enables microgrids to be a valuable tool for decarbonization and energy freedom.


A microgrid is a distribution network that incorporates a variety of distributed energy resources (DER) that can be optimized and aggregated into a single system. The integrated system can balance loads and generation with or without energy storage and is capable of islanding whether connected or not connected to a traditional utility power grid.

Distributed energy resources typically include dual mode Capstone Microturbines, reciprocating engines, solar photovoltaic (PV), wind turbines, fuel cells and battery storage. Microgrids can be connected to larger electricity grids, and in the event of a widespread outage, can disconnect from the main grid to operate independently and supply electricity to homes and businesses that are connected to the microgrid’s electricity network.

The foundation for renewable energy microgrids

Vergent utilizes microturbines in the design of microgrids for their ability to supply high quality, inverter-based power to facilities. The microturbine design ensures that baseload power can be supplied to a facility, particularly in off-grid configurations. Microturbines can offset the intermittent nature of renewables and, in some cases, eliminate the need for energy storage.  Microturbines quickly respond to changes in load, addressing intermittency faster than an internal combustion engine synchronous generator solution could.

Key Benefits

Microgrids can continue to operate even if there’s an outage on the main grid, ensuring a continuous supply of electricity. This feature is critical for facilities like hospitals, data centers, or military bases where power supply continuity is of utmost importance.
Since microgrids generate power closer to where it’s consumed, they reduce the amount of energy lost in transmission and distribution, significantly increasing the efficiency of energy usage.
Microgrids often incorporate renewable energy sources, like wind or solar power. They can also include energy storage systems, which can store excess power generated and use it later when needed.
Over time, microgrids can be more cost-effective, especially if they generate power from renewable sources. They also avoid costs related to energy loss in transmission and distribution.
Microgrids allow for integration of renewable sources and overall improvement of energy efficiency, which contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change.
Microgrids can also provide support services to the main grid, like voltage support, frequency regulation, and spinning reserve.
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Our energy experts deploy innovative technical solutions customized to our customers’ unique energy, business, and climate needs.

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